Moa Warren is a writer in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He is married with two children.

Now teenagers, his two kids have grown up knowing dad goes to work every morning as a teacher where he fights the good fight against the distractions of social media and electronics to engender youth with an appreciation for words and language. By night, weekend, and throughout the glorious summer, ‘work’ is pecking away endlessly at novels in a small self-constructed room variously dubbed The Study, The Realm or The Bunker, but which his wife describes as burrowing further into the basement.

He grew up with the skyline of Philadelphia as a backdrop, lived for years in the city, but ironically now finds himself in a place where horse and buggies rattle by. To counteract the debilitating effects of sedentary hours he has taken up bicycle riding throughout the picturesque but hilly and manure-ridden back roads of Amish Country. Challenges in his life include cholesterol and a plateaued chess rating. He hopes to find a place for his unique books with the suitable publisher.